Make change a habit
In these turbulent economic times it seems that change is now, ironically, the only constant. If you have found that your job has changed (or been lost) in ways that you cannot control, then this is the book for you. Whether it’s your manager, your job, your employment status, your working style, or your industry that’s changing, this book is full of practical tips. And it’s not written just for managers either – this book is written for people who are going through change, rather than those who are trying to implement it.
One part workbook, one part company manual, Cope with Change at Work presents a unique way of assessing and handling the inevitable changes that take place during a person’s career. You’ll be better prepared after reading Stockdale’s and Steeper’s new book. Marshall Goldsmith, million-selling author of the New York Times bestseller What Got You Here Won’t Get You There
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At work, managers are always looking for ways to get the best from their employees in order to generate performance improvements. So what drives behaviour change – Is it fear or honesty?As a coach I observe avoidance behaviour from several of my clients. They come up with logical reasons why it’s beneficial not to change or to take a risk, and some even spend a lot of time and energy actively avoiding tasks or situations that may mean facing a fear. One client told me he couldn’t attend any networking events because he was too busy. I encouraged him to be honest and recognize what was really holding him back. When he did so, he realized that he had a fear of being cornered by a bore and did not know how to politely get away. This fear of potentially making a fool of oneself can be so restrictive, and if we really want to encourage our colleagues to take some risks in order to improve, we’d better be prepared to go there ourselves.
Making change a habit, is the first step.
That can be as simple as sitting in a different chair at home, or changing your daily routine in some way. I coached another executive who wanted to develop more patience with her colleagues who took longer to pick up new concepts than she did. Often she would get frustrated and it showed in her body language and tone of voice. So we explored how she could do this. She decided to try something new every day, so that she was constantly stepping out of her comfort zone. Whether it was using her less dominant hand to write, or trying to speak last in a meeting rather than jumping in first, it helped her experience discomfort on a daily basis which enabled her to appreciate what others might be experiencing. As a result she became more understanding and relaxed with colleagues.To get more ideas on how to cope with change at work order a copy of our new book now.